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Personal Trainer, Founder of




Being able to help others become the best version of themselves and also to be able to motivate and inspire others is something which really motivates him. Being able to see the progress that his clients make is something which makes the work that he does, really rewarding.

Kurt Camilleri is a Software developer graduate who made a big career change and became a qualified personal trainer.



I have a passion for fitness and training and growing up I have played both football and also basketball with the national team. After twisting my ankle I new that I had to do something to stay active and that is when I discovered the gym and started to develop a passion for fitness.

Finding a good balance has always been a struggle for me and that is why it is super important to have realistic expectations and to be the best version of yourself holistically, not just the way you look, but also the way you feel.

That is why I created
To encourage people to get fit and to stay fit for life.

There are no shortcuts to health and fitness, it is a lifestyle, to find a good balance and to have realistic expectations.

In this day and age we are bombarded on social media with all these perfect bodies and we compare ourselves to them.

It is crucial to work not to look like someone else but to be the best you that you can be, if you are just a little better than you were yesterday that is all that matters.

In my coaching I guide people into adopting a healthier lifestyle that they can sustain for life and in doing so improve the way they look and also feel since taking care of ourselves helps us both physically but also physiologically.


If you want to start your journey and start working together to improve yourself one step at a time by building good healthy habits that you can sustain for life, make sure to apply for coaching.


Growing up I have always been a big kid and I started to work on my self to develop muscle and also lose fat. After making a great personal transformation I wanted to help others to do the same thing. To become the best version of themselves and that is why I shifted my career from a software developer to a personal trainer.


Kurt Camilleri

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